Back to Work after Babies
Deb clears out baby things at home to make space for work. #organizing

Before Maeve's Method
After two beautiful daughters Deb was ready to go back to work. There was just one problem – Deb’s home office had been taken over by baby #toys, #clothing, and #memorabilia. Deb contacted Maeve’s Method to help her take control of her office space.
After Maeve's Method
Deb and Maeve sorted through all the miscellaneous kids’ items that had accumulated in the office. Maeve helped Deb realize that in order to have a productive work environment she needed to create a #zone within the office, free of kid things. Together they worked to remove items that didn’t support her professional career, and find homes for those that did. #everythinghasahome

Maeve helped me to reclaim my home office after babies. I can’t wait to go in now as I jump back into the working world.
- Deb, Clinical Psychologist + Mom -- Dunwoody, GA
Maeve helps Deb create calm inside her chaotic kitchen. #organizing
A video session gets Deb ready for her first day of work - and time to tweak her systems. #organizing