Cables Under Control
Maeve and her team get Laurence's IT department back on track. #organizing

Before Maeve's Method
Pivotal Labs, a software development company, recently moved into a large updated space and once settled, realized they were overwhelmed with wires, cords, and electronic parts. They contacted Maeve’s Method to help create a system in the IT Supply room, which would be used by all employees to borrow and return supplies.
After Maeve's Method
Maeve’s Method helped Pivotal Labs to drastically reduce their electronics supply. Miscellaneous items were organized into drawers, with like items together. Things were easier to find, and easier to replace in their homes, making maintenance a breeze, and creating time for more pressing projects. #teamwork

My teams grabs what they need, and bring it back when they’re done. No more lost cables or ordering supplies we already have – it’s an efficient system that’s saving us a lot of money.
– Laurence, Head of IT at Pivotal -- New York, NY