Kristin’s New Systems
Maeve helps Kristin tackle #paperwork and create an inspiring new workspace.

The Call
My friend Kristin called last week and said, “I’m sort of organized, but if I have to sit here and look at things on my desk the way they are one more day, it will drive me crazy.”
Sort of organized? Kristin is one of the most highly effective people I know. Nevertheless, with the changing economy and a couple of careers, she’s working a lot from home these days and needed some help. #busyprofessional #homeoffice
The Response
I popped over to Kirstin's apartment a few days later, and over the course of two-hours helped Kristin to journey from chaos to total home office control. We locked down her priorities, reduced paper #volume and re-arranged existing furniture to build out an airy, motivating work space. I left Kristin with a list of to-dos before our one-week phone check-in. But only 24 hours later, she called, with an exciting update:
“It’s Tuesday. I scheduled five client appointments today. That’s my goal for the entire week. Thought I’d give you a quick share!”
“It’s Tuesday. I scheduled five client appointments today. That’s my goal for the entire week. Thought I’d give you a quick share!”
The secret to Kristin’s instant success? Kristin put it best when she shared, “Maeve, we put everything right where I need it. All that visual and mental #clutter is gone. It's so nice in here now there’s no excuse for me to mess the place up.”
"It's so nice in here now there’s no excuse for me to mess the place up.”
Congratulations, Kristin, I am so proud! We are still going to do that check-in call, though, as if you were that productive in a day, I can't wait to see what a week brings.
See Kristin's Before, In Process and After photos - and get inspired!

Before: Note the clutter on the round table, her day-to-day #desk.

Before: A wide-shot shows how clutter spills to the floor, as she expands her workspace in an attempt to keep piles in order.

Before: But oh... there's more. Kristin's paperwork continues to take over. Definitely time for help. #paperwork
In Process

In Process: Kristin and I hit the floor to begin her 'Like Things Live Together' Sort. #likethingslivetogether

In Process: We transform her floor into a paperwork sorting #workspace, creating 'categories according to Kristin' as we go #categories

In Process:
Getting rid of old papers – feels good! Kristin is ready to toss dozens of papers no longer needed in her life. #releaseandletgo

After: As always... Maeve's Method sessions end with #NextSteps.

After: Kristin jotted down project tasks and as well as some #goals and aspirations:
Declutter banker boxes
Reduce paperwork over by the brick wall
Scan keeper files to I can finally get rid of paper, I hate paper!
Hang curtain for more privacy
Create workout space in cleaner living room
Go to IKEA!
Kristin: Home At Last
