10 Favorite Spring Cleaning Tips: Our Press Round Up
The Maeve's Method Team does a Spring Cleaning Press Tips Round-Up!

As you can imagine, spring is is a busy season for Maeve’s Method. Spring cleaning doesn’t get any easier, and every year people are dying to know what works and how to get started, painlessly. This year, we were honored to be featured in many New York and national sources, and we wanted to share with you our favorite tips from those features.
Here are our top 10 tips from this year’s spring cleaning articles, and be sure to check out the full posts for more!
10 Tips
1. Make a plan
Before jumping in to any project, it’s important to plan out what you’d like to do and prioritize the work so you don’t get overwhelmed. Start by going through your home room-by-room to knock out small stuff and see what needs to be done. (Urbanful)
2. Start an outbox
This is a container used to store the items that are ready to make their way out of your home. Place a bin under your entryway table, a bag on a coat hook, or a box in the hall closet. Even if you’re not ready to start your spring cleaning, or get deep into organizing, you can set up your outbox to start thinking about what to pare down this season. (Chicago Tribune)
3. Clear Your Entryway
There are likely a lot of winter items here: coats, boots, etc. Clearing that away allows you come home without that overwhelming ‘ugh, I have to clean’ feeling. (DNA Info)
4. Let there be light
If there’s only one thing you do during spring cleaning season, let it be windows—inside and outside. After a long, dark winter, there are few things better for your outlook than catching a few rays. Take 20 minutes to wipe panes down. And if it’s too much of a chore, consider hiring a pro. (Grandparents.com)
5. Skim off the top layer
Life collects in layers; remove things that aren’t relevant anymore. Go from room to room looking for five easy things you can let go, like expired foods and medicines, old magazines and catalogs. We encourage people to say ‘1-2-3-4-5’ out loud as they work, because it helps the brain to know you’re doing a manageable project. (Grandparents.com)
6. Use a Q-Tip
Dirt collects in the tiniest places. Take five minutes to run a mild cleanser or rubbing alcohol-soaked Q-tip into the crevasses of your computer keyboard, phone keypad, and electronic equipment power buttons. Your office equipment will feel like new. (Chicago Tribune)
7. Donate
Get creative with your donations. No worries if you don’t have a car. Bring your items into your local charity in small chunks, check to see if anyone will pick up donation items, or put your things out for people to sift through!

(Urbanful twitter chat)
8. Make it livable
Use decorative trays to collect mail by your door, jewelry in the bedroom, or spices in the kitchen. And, add a pop of color with a bright plant, like an orchid. (Urbanful)
9. Press Pause!

(Urbanful twitter chat)
10. Take it easy
Congratulations! You’ve earned some time to kick back and relax in your neat, newly revitalized home. It’s too all too easy to jump from one project to the next. So, instead of rushing into yard work or speeding off to the car wash, give yourself a few hours to unwind. Open those gleaming windows to let some air in, grab an ice-cold lemonade, and read a magazine. You earned it. (Grandparents.com)