Quick Tips: Get Rid of Unwanted Holiday Gifts
Got a gift you didn't like this season? Maeve shares how to let it go - guilt free.

The holidays are for #giving, yes. But that doesn’t mean we must LOVE everything we receive.
The Unwanted Gift
Each year the holidays roll around and we find ourselves gifts and receiving sometimes obligatory gifts --- think Secret Santa, neighborhood potluck, work holiday party. We stress because it's money out, and sometimes unwanted things in. #gifting
Do yourself a favor and get rid of holiday gifts you don’t like ASAP. This means the thoughtful but not your style:
self-help book
gift certificate
trinket or toy
Bring unwanted things to your office, offer them to colleagues, friends, tourists standing in line at Starbucks. Bring them to the trash or laundry room or curb of your building with a note that says, "I work, please take me, Happy New Year!" #donate
Don’t let unwanted December gifts turn into January clutter. Instead get ahead of things, while the year is young. #declutter
The Double Buddha

If you can believe, this holiday I received two round-bellied Buddhas. I own this exact one, and then I received another, same Buddha. So I gifted the second one to someone else...good kharma, perhaps?
I’ll keep you posted…
