Real Simple: My Beach Towels Smell Like Chlorine
Real Simple asked Maeve her expert advice on how to launder beach towels.

Have you read your July issue of Real Simple? Check out page 50. There's another Maeve's Method tip!
Real Simple asked Maeve how to launder beach towels. Maeve offered up her favorite, natural cleaning tip.
My beach towels smell like chlorine even after I wash them.
THE FIX: If you need to use the towels immediately you can spritz them with vodka, which is a natural deodorizer says Maeve Richmond, founder of Maeve's Method, an organizing company in New York City. If you have time to wash them, add a half cup of 20 Mule Team Borax Detergent Booster to the machine with your regular detergent, and then dry them as usual. Like baking soda, borax help break down settled in odors. #deepclean
