Dawn: The Joy of Jewelry
Maeve helps Dawn to rediscover the joy of her jewelry collection. #organizing

Dawn continues her journey to an organized home. Next stop, Dawn's jewelry collection, where Maeve helps Dawn discover old friends and a fabulous hidden treasure.
Before Maeve's Method
As a final treat, Dawn turned to her #jewelry collection. Dawn’s fine and costume jewelry lived deep inside her #closet. Most of what she owned was out of sight out of mind, hardly worn and definitely forgotten. #accessories #closets
Dawn was eager to reconnect with the precious jewelry that she loved, while letting go of a few pieces of jewelry that no longer served her. She also wished to create a welcoming space so that her daughters could be free to explore 'mom’s jewelry', just as she did as a kid.
After Maeve's Method
Maeve coached Dawn as touched she every jewelry item once. As she worked, Dawn sorted jewelry into like #categories according to the themes her life. #CATY #toucheverythingonce
In the process, Dawn reconnected with her everyday jewelry, her fancy ‘going out’ jewelry, and her memorabilia jewelry, which were removed from dark, enclosed boxes and brought cheerfully front and center. She also let go of a few broken pieces, a few junk pieces, and a few things she was ready to gift to her children.#CATY
She replaced old cardboard boxes with easy-to-see-through lucite, and lined each drawer with felt, for a delicate touch. #decor #storeitwithstyle
Along the way, Dawn rediscovered the jewelry that she loves---including a box gifted to her by a royal princess at a charity event--and achieved her goal of creating an easy-access jewelry display that her daughters could explore. #memorabilia

When I was a little kid I used to look inside of and play with my mom's jewelry box. Maeve helped me to create this joyful experience for my daughters, and I couldn't be happier.
– Dawn Nadeau, New York, NY
Dawn continues her journey to an organized home. #organizing
Maeve helps Dawn to pare down and streamline the family closets. #organizing
Maeve helps Dawn through a powerful room-by-room transformation of her Upper West Side home. #makeover
As Featured In

I figured out it wasn't just about the stuff — it was also about me.
You're gonna need a strategy beyond just buying a ton of storage bins.