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Good Housekeeping: 11 Smart Things Pro Organizers Do Every Morning

Writer's picture: Maeve RichmondMaeve Richmond
Start your day like a Pro Organizer, like Maeve and fellow organizer, Jeni Aron

Thrilled to be featured in this GH post 11 Smart Things Pro Organizers Do Every Morning alongside with my friend and fellow organizer, Jeni Aron. Check out our top tips and start your day like a professional organizer. Enjoy!


#1. They make their beds.

They make their beds,
Research has shown that this simple task (which, admit it, you often skip), can help you kick off a more productive day. But real-life anecdotes really drive the importance of the chore home:
"Making my bed draws a line in my brain's sand as if to say, "This is the start of my day and you're not going back to bed,'" says Jeni Aron, the Clutter Cowgirl.
And Maeve Richmond, founder of the organizing coaching service Maeve's Method, reminds us that shirking a chore now can have crummy consequences later: "For years I loved the freedom of not making my bed, but as I grew older, I began to understand that not doing it meant crawling into a crumpled bed at night," she says. "There really is nothing quite like the feeling of pulling back bedding and climbing into a fresh bed."

# 10. They eat something that gets them going.

They eat something that gets them going.
"For years, I've been eating a handful of cashews each morning" says Richmond."I once read about a man that lived well into his 90s, and his secret to success was to eat 5 pistachio nuts every day. I decided it was less the pistachio nuts, and more the discipline, so I switched the nut to one I preferred more. It's great! The tiny energy burst really helps me kick off my day." #wellness




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